Service Design, meet AI - with Pontus Wärnestål - Part 2
On the need for service design in the age of AI, with award-winning Service Designer and Human-Computer Interaction researcher Pontus Wärnestål. The second part of a two-part episode.
In this guest episode, Juli, Pontus, and the pack hiked up to the Hármashatárhegy airport to dive deep into all the things we call AI.
The path we took:
- Thought leaders who can expand our understanding of tech possibilities
- Humans changing the job landscape with AI, or AI taking our jobs
- How AI is about predicting the future, and how that can go very wrong
- The agency of designers on a strategic level, design maturity in an organization
- The way forward is education - different education paths leading to responsible service design
- Worries about the dilution of the service design profession
- How interaction design can finally be about designing interactions, not just screens
- And advice for mindful design in the age of AI
Further reading:
- https://warnestal.com/
- https://drpontus.medium.com/ai-will-not-take-any-jobs-cdea12d86d2c
- https://www.predictionmachines.ai/
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40102.Blink
- https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ai-paradigm/
- https://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/designing-agentive-technology/
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63631742-frankenstein
Grab your headphones, and head to the snowy hills to walk with us!
Ps. If you want to chime in, DM us or leave a comment on our Instagram - we're @paths.puddles.products and would love your feedback!
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Creators and Guests

Juli Mata
I work in product, and I come from (product-service-system) design. I focus on help linking product to business strategy these days.

Pontus Wärnestål
Pontus Wärnestål (he/him) is an award-winning Service Designer and Human-Computer Interaction researcher, with 20 years of work experience in User Experience, Service Design, and Human-Centered AI.