Learning to Learn, Learning to Teach

Learning to Learn, Learning to Teach

On learning models, DnD, and dressage.

This time we grabbed a light topic with roleplaying games, horse riding, and arts, and gathered around an unlit campfire with the dogs for what turned out to be a deep dive into our learning and teaching experiences. 

The path we took:
  • Our most recent learning choices, favoring tabletop roleplaying and literary writing over tools of the trade.
  • How learning things unrelated to our profession helps build context for our work.
  • Teaching university classes, bootcamps, nights and weekends, designers, coders, and horse riders.
  • The unseen work of mentoring or explicit teaching responsibilities.
  • Learning models and pedagogical approaches, black boxes and cognitive apprenticeship.
  • Gatekeeping by degrees versus the democratization of education.
  • And a question for you, while we run from the boars: what is your favorite unexpected skill or piece of knowledge that you could use in your work?
Further reading:
  • https://learningjournals.co.uk/what-are-the-different-pedagogical-approaches-to-learning/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_apprenticeship
  • https://www.simplypsychology.org/zone-of-proximal-development.html
  • https://www.storytellingcollective.com/pages/rpg-writer-workshop
  • http://kunstfuck.tilda.ws/
  • Ken Robinson on How schools kill creativity on TED
Grab your headphones, and head to the nearest forest to walk with us! - Just beware of the boars  🐗

Ps. If you want to chime in, DM us or leave a comment on our Instagram - we're @paths.puddles.products and would love your feedback!
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Creators and Guests

Anikó Vera Fejes
Anikó Vera Fejes
I'm a software developer who tried a lot of things but ultimately decided to hide from the world in the woods.
Juli Mata
Juli Mata
I work in product, and I come from (product-service-system) design. I focus on help linking product to business strategy these days.